Category: Shopify

Someone working on a laptop showing the Google homepage How To Implement GA4 Consent Mode V2 on Shopify Google’s Consent Mode V2 Deadline for Advertisers With the deadline of Google’s Consent Mode V2 rapidly approaching, advertisers may lose out on performance if this is not implemented by 1st March 2024. It will now be required to capture users’ consent if you use Google services for collecting data to build audience and remarketing lists. […] Read More A light up Shopify logo sign on a wall Shopify Editions Winter ‘24 – Our Five Big Takeaways At the end of January, Shopify published their latest issue of Shopify Editions, where they announce new features they are adding to their platform over the next few months.  Over 100 new features and improvements were announced, but we have listed our top five updates that we think will be the most useful for our […] Read More A mobile phone screen showing the Shopify homepage WordPress vs Shopify So you need a website, but where do you begin? Well, depending on your business, you’re probably hearing a few of the same names being tossed around, but you might not be entirely sure what they are, what they do, and why you might choose one over the other.  We’re here to clear up any […] Read More Shopify plus logo Apps to Upgrade Your Shopify Plus Site Shopify Plus is an enhanced version of the well-known Shopify ecommerce platform, tailored for larger businesses and high volume merchants. This premium option offers more features than the standard Shopify does, including sophisticated customisation options, increased API capabilities, and unique apps designed for intricate operations. It’s a perfect match for major brands like Gymshark and […] Read More Fixed: Messages Not Appearing On Shopify Newsletter Form You may have noticed that sometimes when filling out a form on a website, there doesn’t appear to be a message to tell you whether the submission was a success or not.  We have recently found that this is quite prominent on Shopify websites, in particular the newsletter forms which make use of the “customer” […] Read More A Quick Guide To Customise Your Shopify All Products Collection By default, you can go to “/collections/all” on any Shopify store and you will see a list of all the products in the store. This is really useful for customers who want to look through all the products in your store in alphabetical order.  This collection doesn’t exist as a collection in the admin section […] Read More Our top tips for improving UX on a Shopify website What is User Experience? User experience is the entirety of someone’s interactions with your business and brand, so it is crucial to think about optimisation and UX when creating a Shopify site. This blog will cover some user experience and optimisation tips to help you improve your Shopify site.  When you’re thinking about the user […] Read More How To Set Up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Ecommerce Purchase Tracking in Shopify Shopify has some built in features to help you set up tracking on your ecommerce site with Google Analytics. However, it doesn’t currently support GA4 which was released in October 2020 and has since become the default experience in the platform. Why Use GA4? GA4 is a big change on the previous Universal Analytics (UA), […] Read More Optimise Your Shopify Product Page With This 7 Step On-Page SEO Checklist A couple of months ago, I spilled the beans on all things technical SEO with a super handy checklist for Shopify stores... Read More Boost Your Organic Shopify Rankings With This Technical SEO Checklist Sick of Shopify's hidden quirks affecting your site's SEO? Take a look at our handy technical tips that'll give your rankings a boost. Read More
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