What We’re Up To

Digital Marketing Apprentice, Asa Wood Q&A with Digital Marketing Apprentice, Asa Wood For our next Q&A, we have a guest entry from Asa Wood, who is currently undergoing a Digital Marketing Level 3 apprenticeship. Asa currently works at Jenkar Shipping, one of our wonderful clients, however he spends 2 days a week with us at the Wonder office as an extension of our team. Let’s find out […] Read More How to Use Figma for Web Design and Work Smoothly with Developers Figma has become a go-to tool for designers and developers, making it easier to work together and bring digital projects to life. This cloud-based tool lets teams design, prototype, and share work in real-time. Let’s explore how you can use Figma effectively for design and ensure a smooth workflow with developers. Getting to Know Figma […] Read More Headshot of a woman smiling at a camera Q&A with Lauren Halligan Meet our Senior Marketing Communications Executive, Lauren, and find out more about her and what she does here at Wonder. How did you get into doing your job? This is going to sound very cliche, but I’ve been an avid reader since I was a child which sparked an interest and passion in writing. When […] Read More Someone inputting a discount code into a checkout page on Shopify Upgrading From checkout.liquid to Checkout Extensibility on Shopify Plus If you’re a Shopify merchant and run your own online store, then you’ll understand how important the checkout process is. This is the last step in the customer journey and the last chance to convince customers to convert and make a purchase. It’s important therefore to optimise the checkout page as much as is possibly […] Read More Someone working on a laptop showing the Google homepage How To Implement GA4 Consent Mode V2 on Shopify Google’s Consent Mode V2 Deadline for Advertisers With the deadline of Google’s Consent Mode V2 rapidly approaching, advertisers may lose out on performance if this is not implemented by 1st March 2024. It will now be required to capture users’ consent if you use Google services for collecting data to build audience and remarketing lists. […] Read More A light up Shopify logo sign on a wall Shopify Editions Winter ‘24 – Our Five Big Takeaways At the end of January, Shopify published their latest issue of Shopify Editions, where they announce new features they are adding to their platform over the next few months.  Over 100 new features and improvements were announced, but we have listed our top five updates that we think will be the most useful for our […] Read More A mobile phone screen showing the Shopify homepage WordPress vs Shopify So you need a website, but where do you begin? Well, depending on your business, you’re probably hearing a few of the same names being tossed around, but you might not be entirely sure what they are, what they do, and why you might choose one over the other.  We’re here to clear up any […] Read More Shopify plus logo Apps to Upgrade Your Shopify Plus Site Shopify Plus is an enhanced version of the well-known Shopify ecommerce platform, tailored for larger businesses and high volume merchants. This premium option offers more features than the standard Shopify does, including sophisticated customisation options, increased API capabilities, and unique apps designed for intricate operations. It’s a perfect match for major brands like Gymshark and […] Read More What Is SXO? Welcome to the world of SXO, a blend of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and UX (User Experience), designed to give users the best possible experience whilst also keeping search engines happy.  In this blog post, we’ll delve into the fundamentals, exploring what SXO is, how you can integrate it into your website, and why it’s […] Read More A red card on a table saying Merry Christmas surrounded by glitter baubles. Christmas Content Marketing Tips For Small Businesses ‘Tis to the season to be busy! We know that’s not how the song goes, but for those in marketing, that’s exactly how the Christmas season feels. But whilst these next couple of months may be busy, they’re also an exciting and fun time, allowing us to spread our creative wings and bring some holiday […] Read More
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